Sat. we had Bella's 1 yr party.....and it turned out better than I thought! It was alot of fun getting things together and doing the "cherry" theme, which the girls thought of. It's great to see so many people just absolutely love my Bellaboo! She finally has "baby" toys....LOL!
I can't believe how fast this year has flown by......Bella was definetly worth my "late"nights getting this together for her.....even though it will be many years before she actually appreciates it...heehee! But hey..
Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries....isn't it?

Her very cute invitation which I will say I AM the scrapcard maker..notice not the scrap-book maker....heehee!

Can you believe I made all of this (not the leggings though), again NOT the sewing queen, but it is super cute!

I always do the sub in a number or a letter for that person...Mr. B's is a friend of ours and gave theidea a long time ago, it's become tradition for our family parties!

This hat is a little too big.....but she still looks so darn cute..

I got the tutorial at good ole' Martha Stewart's site...

These pics are Bella at birth, 2mos, 4mos, 6mos, 9mos, 10,11,and 12 mos.old...

I made this hat, but don't ask me how......!

This was also a no sew highchair tutu..really easy

I am not the "sewing queen" but I did sew the cake ruffle thingy, what's it called? and the tablecloth.

This cake was NOT what I intended but it was ok.....I guess.

gotta add all the little details.....I mean seriously I might have a disease, maybe Dr. Phil can help me?
This party is incredibly BEAUTIFUL!! Oh, how I love the party hat, the paper flowers, the cake...just everything. So beautifully done. Happy Birthday to your Bella Boo!
Wow! What a beautiful party! I love the bath thingies that you used for decoration. Were they also party gifts? If so, that's a fabulous idea! I love those things.
Happy Birthday baby Bella!
That is the cutest party ever! All the colors and decorations are beautiful. And your baby is so precious!
Thanks for visiting me. I love new bloggin friends.
LOVE the theme and decorations! SO pretty!
OH WOW.. what a gorgeous, creative party.. Lucky girl that little Bella, who by the way is even MORE gorgeous!! :)
Can you give a tutorial on how you made the high chair tutu and also the balls hanging from the ceiling?
How do u make those hanging puff balls? Can you email me the website please. They are so cute and you did a great job.
hi, i just wanted to say that i love your ideas,, I used the "1" subsandwich in my lil' girls party and was gonna ask you to go ahead and check it out..maybe you can leave me some comments..thnks!!
It’s a great feeling to see smile on the face of cute little Bella, the party seems too excited. That cake looks attractive and yummy!!
kids party
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