I included "A good Babysitter" a list of things that every mom loves knowing that her children are played with, not ignored, fed well and put to bed on time and asleep when she gets home, not to mention a CLEAN home..lol! On the other side is "The Shoe Fairy" the kids get to put a pair of shoes by thier door, and if they were good the shoe fairy comes to leave a surprise in thier shoe! I included a list of easy cheap things...my kids loved this when our babysitter did this and it worked!!
I put in a Safety Checklist and a Babysitter Info sheet to have one of the parents fill out. She will know more of what is expected from the parent and where and when they will be home, also if for some reason thier is an emergency, numbers and all that good stuff...
This is the Shoe fairy stationary...so the babysitter can leave notes for the kids, and the other is the Babysitter Report for her to fill out before she goes home so the parents can see what they did and how things went while they were away. Some of the girls were even wanting to put together a behavior sheet, laminate it and then use a dry erase marker...CUTE & SO CREATIVE!!
I don't know how I found your blog but I love the babysitting ideas that you have done. My daughter just turned 12 and we have been discussing some ideas to put together for her for a babysitting kit. I would love to know where you (if you found) these things. Or if you made them and would be willing to share? I will pay for them if you charge. my email is kayleaner@yahoo.com
LOve this babysitting kit. It takes me back 15 years to my babysitting jobs. Wish I had a kit like this back then. What font did you use on the front labels. Love it!
I found your blog through sugardoodle.net and love your babysitting kit ideas. I am a YW 2nd counselor and would love to put these kits together with my Beehives. Are you willing to share your ideas? My e-mail is Nataliejball@yahoo.com
I love your babysitting kit! I am looking online for ideas and found your blog. I am trying to put together kits for my YW this week as well. If you don't mind sharing-could you send me the links you used or attachments? I would really appreciate it. Email is ak.malone@hotmail.com
Hi! I actually found your blog by searching "babysitting kit ideas"! As I look over your blog, I feel like I know you! (I am from Mesa (I went to Mt. View), LOVE LOVE LOVE Scrapbooks Etc. and am LDS) Anyway, I love all of the cute ideas I have seen and I was also wondering if you would be willing to share your babysitting kit files! If so, my e-mail is andyandmandysfamily@hotmail.com
Love your babysitting kit!! I am looking for one for my Activity Day girls and would love to have a copy of your pages if you share! My e-mail is ssulty@sbcglobal.net. Let me know if there is a charge!
I am the Activity Days Leader up here in Canada and we are doing a babysitting kit. PLEASE forward me your templates or let me know where you got them - they are so good! Let me know if there is a charge. my email is cbmorgan@shaw.ca
I too would love the templates for your babysitting kit. Can you tell me where I could buy them for my activity day girls?
Thanks so much! This is the best that I have seen!
Hey girl,
This is Tycie from Scrappin' Blogs! I am with Brenda... I am over the Activity Days Girls in my ward as well and would LOVE this kit!!! Do you offer them? or Sell/Share the templates? Email me at Scrappinblogs@gmail.com and we can talk about it more!!!
Thanks girl, its very creative!!!
I just love your ideas! I have been searching the web because we are also making kits in our ward. Please email me. Thanks. melissatibbitts@mac.com
I too have been searching for ideas for a babysitting kit for my Beehives to make. What you did is perfect! Is it possible to share the links or attachments? My e-mail address is bdgsandiego@gmail.com
Let me know if there is a charge.
What a talented mom you are!
I hope this comment finds you. I too have found next to nothing for babysitting kits. For our Stake activity day camp our ward has been asked to do a class on babysitting. Could you share what you did with me? Handouts stories ect. ect. Please? I would be sooooo grateful! My e-mail is ELizabeth_hutson@hotmail.com
I see that a millon people have already asked you to share your babysitting kit info. I too would be extremley grateful if you were willing to share your ideas or where you found them. We are making babysitting kits for Activity Days with the older girls who are just coming up on the age of babysitting. I have been on the internet all night and have found nothing useful except for your blog. The kits you made are so cute and exactly what I am looking for. Let me know if you feel you can share. bradymoline@gmail.com
Thanks, Jamie Moline
I love your blog. I love bloging also. I see that a tons of people have already asked you to share your babysitting kit info. I too would love if you were it willing to share your ideas or where you found them. jennie2692@msn.com
Thanks Jennie
Hopefully you see this but I totally love your ideas for the babysitting kit. I'm the Activity days leader and this was our next thing we wanted to do. Is there some way you could email me your templates for your lists?? :)
Thank you!
Totally cute! I'm in Activity Day's and my girls are way into babysitting, could you email me any of that stuff you posted if you have it?
I am also a Activities Days leader and would love your info sent to me if you have it! Thanks in advance! ashlie.hendricks@gmail.com
I love this, too, along with everyone else. I would love any links or attachments you have of your work, if you don't mind sharing! My Beehives are coming over for a babysitting hands-on activity (haha!) and thought it would be fun to have something put together for them. My email is marieandadam32@gmail.com
LOVE the babysitting kit! This is totally what I have been looking for!! I am a YW's leader and we are trying to put babysitting kits together this week for mutual with the girls. If you are willing to share I too would love to get copies of your handouts. Thanks for the great ideas! jenn.foote13@gmail.com
Hello, I was looking for babysitting kits and ran across your blog, as well. I am a Beehive leader and am trying to put some things together for the girls. I was wondering if you would share your handouts? Please let me know what you charge, or if you would share. Thanks so much! They are DARLING!
I love you babysitter kit idea. I am working with my BeeHives and we are making babysitting kits. Would it be possible to put the folder items in a pdf format? I would also like to know if I could get the pre-school craft (craft stick animals) pattern? Thank you so much.
I LOVE your ideas for the babysitting kits. I am the activities day leader for the 11 year olds and would love to use some of your ideas. If there is any way you can email them to me that would be great! Also, if there is a charge, please let me know. Thanks. kllars@hotmail.com
I seem to be the latest in a long line, but I'm an Activity Days leader for the 11 year olds too, and I would love to get the info on the things you used for your kits! I've been wanting to make something like this, but we have such a limited budget...Where did you get your templates, etc? Please email me at robinblambert@hotmail.com. Thanks so much!
If you are sharing this...as a million other people have asked...I would love whatever help you can give. We are making these in my beehive class very soon. What you've done looks amazing! Email is rachel.bitner@gmail.com
Has anyone ever received an answer about the babysitting kits? If so would you please email me at: elyn.anderson@gmail.com. Would love to have the forms, info, etc. for my Beehives.
WOW! There's a big demand for this stuff You should put it all together and sell it!! :) I also found your blog doing a google search for babysitting kits. I'm over the activity day girls in my ward and am trying to put together a babysitting activity. I would love a copy of the pages you made for the kits if you are willing to share. I also will pay ya for your time and your awesome ideas! You are so creative! I could never come up with stuff like this on my own! My email is tarebear99@gmail.com. Thanks so much!!!
I am helping the Beehives in our ward put together babysitting kits. I would love copies if you are willing to share.
You have done all the hard work for the rest of us. I too love your babysitting kit and I too would love to get a copy some how. My beehive class is wanting to do a kit and I have been looking and there is NOTHING out there, except for yours. You were inspired!! Thank you for your talent. My address is lbcookinmama@gmail.com
Thanks for sharing your blog with us
Hi, you are probably getting sick of everyone asking about your kits - there are sooo many comments!! But I too would love to have anything you could share through email. Your kits are great and we would also like to do them with our Y.W. If you have time that would be great. Thank you! Jill (logndale Nevada)
emai: greig@mvdsl.com
You must get at least one of these posts a week. I too love your ideas, especially the "Shoe Fairy". I remember my babysitting kit and how much fun it was and would love to pass along these ideas to our girls. If you are willing to send anything you created I would really appreciate it! My e-mail is shadeincanada@gmail.com. Thanks so much!!
I would also love to get a copy of your materials if I could, to put these together with our young women! They are very cute! My email is madrethemom@gmail.com Thanks so much!
Love your kit ideas. I am an activity day leader also. I would love to get your handouts and the stick puppet patterns. If you are willing to share my email address is bwoodhouse@heirloompatch.com. Thank you so much.
Hi .. i know you have gotten alot of feedback of wanting a copy of your babysitting kit.. and I am another who would like a copy also..
I am setting up a class at a school resource room for parents and children.. for those who want to babysit and earn money , but also for the children who go home with no parents home,and watch their younger siblings..
thanks a bunch.. your stuff is awesome..
Michele.. yummycandles@cox.net
I am also an activity days leader and I love your stuff. I am going to be having a lesson on babysitting and I know your ideas will be perfect. I was wanting a copy as well! Thanks for the great ideas.
I'm adding my request for the babysitting kit. I wish I had found this earlier since my activity is tonight!! Well if you are sharing I'd love to know how to get it. If there's a cost I'm happy to pay. jeannierawlins@yahoo.com
I can't believe I, too, found your blog when just googling babysitting kit--me along with thousands of others who loved your ideas. I had already planned to have the girls make some finger puppets as well as some cool play dough, along with some of the other 'normal' things, but then drew a blank as to how to do the 'paper work' aspect. PERFECT--any way I too can get these ideas for our up-coming activity. Was the folder large enough to just hold the paper work and then you found some other cute idea for holding the fun ideas for children's playtime? The shoe fairy is also a darling idea!!
Whoops--I forgot to leave my e-mail address: ann.papworth@gmail.com Thanks, Momma Ann
I too found your site by searching for Babysitting Kits. I want my Activity Day girls to make them. If you are sharing your documents will you please email them to me at adidenhover@gmail.com. Thanks so much!
Just another one of your many fans who would LOVE to use your babysitting kit idea/template! PLEASE let me know what I need to do!
Thanks so much!
I would love to have you share with me also.. I googled babysitting kids and you came up in my search and love it. my email is familygoneplaying@comcast.net
our activity it tomorrow so we dont have much time to complete, but would love more information.
Would you be willing to share your files, they are just the cutest....
Love your babysitting kit ideas.... JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE has asked for... I would love to get your handouts and the stick puppet patterns and games. If you are willing to share my email address is angeladavis@hotmail.com Thank you so much.
I just found your blog off of Love actually and LOVE IT!!!
I can just dito several others. I am YW 2nd counselor searching for more ideas.
We are doing some work on our kits,would love your ideas if you share?
This is like a broken record but could you share the files/templates you used? Just let me know if there is a charge. Thanks!
glangan08 at hotmail dot com
I love your ideas! Just like everyone else I would love copies of your pages. I am in charge of Activity Days for the young girls and am trying to put together a kit for them. Thanks so much! Your awesome!
If you are still responding to requests to share your cute babysitting kit ideas - I would love a copy. I am a Beehive leader and we are wanting to help them be better prepared babysitters. Thank you so much. My email is mw02@softsolutions.com
I am too in love with your babysitting kits. I am doing this for my activity days girls. Could you please if you are willing to share the copies with me also. My email is ncragun@msn.com. THank you so much. Pam
If you are still responding to requests to share your cute babysitting kit ideas - I would love a copy of your templates. I am a Mia Maid leader and we are having a childcare class tomorrow and wanted to put something together for the girls to help them be better prepared babysitters. Thank you so much. My email is aps_broc@hotmail.com
If you are still responding to requests to share your cute babysitting kit ideas - I would love a copy of your templates. I am a Mia Maid leader and we are having a child care class tomorrow and wanted to help our girls be better prepared babysitters. Thank you so much. My email is aps_broc@hotmail.com
OK...it's unanimous, your babysitting materials are wonderful! Are you sharing? The fate of my Activity Day girls and the children they will someday babysit rests in your hands. or.sweetpea@comcast.net
I love your babysitting kit ideas! I haven't found anything else like it online. I would also love a copy of your handouts! I am trying to put something together for my activity day girls. You do good work! My e-mail is kandih@mac.com. I would really appreciate it.
I would love to borrow your ideas. Can you email me a template? thompson-fam@hotmail.com
I love your ideas! Your forms look perfect! My Activity Day girls are in need of this so badly. If you are sharing your copies of the forms you have made let me know. My email is: Smickners@gmail.com
If you're willing to share it one more time--my daughter likes the idea, as well. It's perfect!
This kit is great! I am an activity days leader and we are wanting to do the same thing. I know a ton of people have asked you for your files but would you be willing to share once more? If so, my e-mail is anjolley@gmail.com Thanks for your post regardless.
Me too, Me too! I would love copies of your templates to use for my babysitters. mariadismondy@mac.com You are so creative!
I see that you just had a baby...so cute, but could you forward me this darling files? shanelhansen@yahoo.com
LOVE your babysitting kits-along with everyone else. If you are sharing your ideas could you please email me at daviesmelanie8@gmail.com
Are you sharing your babysitting kit forms? Would love to use them for the girls in my ward. Thanks! sonjadahl@msn.com
I...I LOVE your kit!! Like all the other ladies, I'm trying to do an some thing with my Activity Days girls...If you are sharing your files and game ideas, I would love a copy.
my email is eduitsman@yahoo.com
thank you :)
Ditto. Can I please have the template too? Thanks so much.
juanago2 at gmail dot com
Ditto, I love these ideas. Any way I can get the handouts too?
juanago2 at gmail dot com
We are a volunteer Ambulance service and was going to teach a Babysitter CPR and First Aid Kit and found your blog, one of your many fans who would LOVE to use your babysitting kit idea/template! PLEASE let me know what I need to do! my email address is homehealth@silverstar.com thanks so much
I am a CPR instructor for a volunteer ambulance service and just another one of your many fans who would LOVE to use your babysitting kit idea/template! PLEASE let me know what I need to do! simplethings@silverstar.com
I know this is a long shot..but I am trying to plan a babysitting class for the 10/11 year olds tomorrow and would LOVE the links for your info sheets. They are so cute and I know the girls would really love them. Is it possible to email me the links? My email is krousfamily@msn.com Thanks
I would really like a copy of your babysitting kit materials for my beehive group. They are fabulous. I was just looking and found your blog it is soooo cute! My email is samimelinkovich@yahoo.com
Another request for your babysitting kit info! This is what my Beehives want to do. I'd appreciate any help! Thank you!
yet another request from another activity day leader, Would you please send me the templates you used for your kits.They are great. jjhall02@gmail.com. Thank you so much!!!
I just stumbled across your blog. I've been wanting to do the same thing with my Beehives. Your kits are so adorable. I would really appreciate it if you could send me the files or links you used. Thanks. tally22@hotmail.com
I guess I am just like the rest; we are doing babysitting kits for Activity Days and would love to use your ideas/forms/templates. They are the cutest ideas out there, simple and effective. If you are willing to share my email is ivefamily@msn.com. Thanks in advance!
This is absolutely perfect:) Can you email your babysitting kit forms to me at rah_727@yahoo.com. I am your newest fan...and a Beehive advisor lol.
Wow! I guess as long as you have this posted, you will be recieving requests!! Awesome kit! This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for. I have done many searches and found nothing too. If you share, I would love to make these for my girls (YW over Beehives). I will pay if you charge. Tonyabramwell@gmail.com Great job!
Hi yes I love your ideas and am in need of something this week for the Beehives. We are doing a BBBB, Beehives becoming better babysitters. Would you mind sharing your ideas with me? My email is sarahjane07@hotmail.com. Thanks so much!!
You are right, there isn't anything online. With all your responses you could open a business of these kits!
I too am a leader over the Beehives and we are doing a Babysitting activity tonight! Yes, I know...a little late planning but I've been gone for a month! Anyway, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to know if you are willing to share your pdf files or where you found everything? Thanks for posting! Cute stuff! jmneeley@juno.com
Like everyone else, I love all of the cute ideas and we are making babysitting kits for Beehives. And I was also wondering if you would be willing to share your babysitting kit files!
If so, my e-mail is Twayland@hotmail.com
Thank you!
Great job on the babysitting kits!! I lovi it. I'm teaching a class next week. would you be willing to share the files? I would so appreciate it! My email is s.r.morrison@sbcglobal.net. Thank you, Stacy
Hi, great job on your babysitting kit- I love it! I'm teaching a class next week and this would be perfect. will you share your files? I would so appreciate it! My email is s.r.morrison@sbcglobal.net . Thank you, Stacy
I love your ideas I was wondering if you were sharing them. I see a lot of people have asked. We are doing a babysitting workshop. My email is JGDUKOVAC@MAC.COM.
Thank you,
I was also wondering if you are sharing your babysitting kit ideas?
My email is jgdukovac@mac.com
Thank you!
Stumbled across your blog looking for a babysitting kit for my Activity Day girls. Your ideas are darling and I noticed that others asked if you were willing to share? If so I would love to have a copy of your kit. My e-mail address is angieandabby@yahoo.com
Hey!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE you kit. I actually do babysit and have trouble staying organized, i"d love a copy of you pages, if you share...my email is nkrontz34@gmail.com
I would love these amazing templates if you have them! We are having a babysitting activity & this is perfect. I am so thankful for talented ladies like you! My email is christinejonesx3@gmail.com
Thanks oodles!!
PS- Gorgeous Family
My Beehives want to put together babysitting kits and your ideas are wonderful! I like how they are a good starter point for the girls. Would you mind sharing your files with me? I am a new counselor and would appreciate any help! My email is karenskaggs@live.com
Thank you
i love these ideas...im in charge of activity day girls and these would be great for my activity! can you forward the templates to me? im planning on doing this activity in a few days. Thanks so much! janine
oh forgot to leave email :)
jfredline@gmail.com thanks a bunch!!
Oh! I would absolutely LOVE to have copies of your templates if you are sharing!!! Please? My e-mail is rebekah@thedoodlegirl.com
Wow! You have an amazing Kit here! I've been looking for something for two weeks and you have what I had in mind...but no idea how to create it!
Could I get your templates too?
Thanks for your inspiration!
theredkiwi@yahoo (dot) com
Hi there! I was just searching for ideas for Activity Day girls 10-11 babysitting kits, and came up with your adorable blog! I was wondering if there is any way that you could email me your templates, they are so cute! ToddandPenny@msn.com
Or if you could let me know where you found them...
Thanks so much!!
I realize that your post is old but I too have been searching for ideas... this is the best one I have found. Is there any way I cold get you to email me any of the forms you did for your girls? my email is laramdavis@gmail.com
Please include a full list of other things you had in the kit if you can. I know I have played don't eat Pete before but it has been so long I don't remember how to play. Can you include the rules to that!?
I am also a Bee Hive Advisor and would love your babysitting kit ideas if you are willing to share. My e-mail is tammycowley@yahoo.com
I also was just wondering if you are sharing these ideas. I have achievement day girls that would love to do this.
Came across your blog while preparing for a beehive activity tomorrow and was wondering if you had your templates still? I would love a copy.
I know your post is from 2009... I LOVE LOVE these ideas and I to was wondering if you share these ideas and if so can you email them to me at angharker@msn.com? Please include all the files and information you have. Thanks SO much!!!
I am going to join the long list of people requesting templates. I too am planning the activity for my activity day girls. And there is still nothing out there past the Red Cross website. Thanks for blogging about this!
and I forgot my email:
I absolutely LOVE this babysitting kit! It's the cutest thing EVER! It would be perfect for my Activity Days girls and have to have everything done in 6 days (eek)! Wondering if you would be willing to send me links or pdf files... anything you can send would be great! And if you charge for them, I would be willing to pay. Please let me know at k.hatchfam@gmail.com
Thank you!
I'm hoping to be able to get a copy of your babysitting kit! I love, LoVe, LOVE it! bryanjen96@yahoo.com
Is there any way to get a copy of your babysitting kit? It is exactly what I am looking for and it is just darling! I would be happy to pay you for it. My email address is: elhafen@gmail.com. Thanks so much for your help!
I would love to get a copy of your babysitting kit as well! It is so cute! I hope you are still sharing! It would be a huge help! Thanks! zhenyasmoot@gmail.com
Thank you for posting this! These are wonderful ideas! If you share your templates, will you please email them to danielgerhart@hotmail.com? Thanks!
I love your babysitting kit. I liked all the wonderfull ideas that you have done. If you could would you share your ideas with me? My email is shaylou2000@gmail.com.
So are you sharing? I would love a copy. girlsoutnumbered@gmail.com
I would Love a copy of your babysitting kit! It is adorable. If you are willing to share my email is hilaryfitzs@gmail.com.
I too am one of many requesting your kits/templates or whatever! I could truly use these, even if you are selling them or something. please let me know!
love your babysitting kit!! been looking for some ideas for a while. wondering if i could get a copy bridgerella14@gmail.com
so I guess I am number 92 or so in the long list of interest for your cute babysitting kit. If you are sharing I would love a copy...if needed, I am willing to pay for a copy of everything. You are super talented...obviously the rest of us need you! thanks Kathy
my email addy is: fairchildfive@hotmail.com
Love the kits, but I would like to know if you could send me copies. I am in charge of Activity Days this week and would like to have the girls put them together for their project. you could send them to my e-mail address (conniehayes@q.com).
Thanks, Connie Hayes
Hello, any chance of getting a copy of your babysitting kit too? Looks like you have a fan club :) Your ideas are just wonderful. I am an Activity Day leader too and would love to use this for an activity. Let me know if there is a charge...happy to pay it!
Lora averiscloset@msn.com
Like everyone else, I'm hoping that I can get a copy of your babysitting kit materials. If you would be willing to share, my e-mail address is: sndnsn at hotmail dot com. Thanks!!
Wow I know i am the latest of a long list of many who LOVE your babysitting kit idea. I too searched all over the internet to find ideas for our babysitting activity we are doing for our beehives in a couple weeks( I am the 2nd couns. YW) and your blog site is still the only one to come up. If you are at all willing I would be so appreciative to get your files, links, attachments,ideas or anything you used to put together these kits. You can email me at Jenniferlwebster@gmail.com
Thanks so much!
Hi! I just came across your blog, because I was looking for great ideas for babysitting kits for our Young Women. YOURS are darling. Is there any way to get copies of what you have done? janegchow@gmail.com
Hi was wondering if you could send me the docs you used for these kits. They are so cute! You did a great job. Taviamcbride@live.com
Hi, we are having an activity this week and would also love a copy of your babysitting kit...so adorable. I just came across your blog and you have such a sweet family and seem amazing! My email is braunrock@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!
I also would love a copy of your babysitting kit. We are having an activity this week and I just happened to come across your blog....sooooo adorable! My email is braunrock@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!!
I would also love a copy of this if you are willing to share. What great ideas! brookasaurusrex@gmail.com
I also just stumbled across this and love it! If you still have it I would also love a copy of it! Thanks, hotdavisfamily@gmail.com
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