Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Helping Nie Recovery spread the word....

Some of you who are obsessive bloggers and blog-readers like myself may have also come across the story of Stephanie and Christian Nielson who were involved in a plane crash on August 16th (read the story here). I don't remember where I first came across the news, but I have since spent hours (yes actual hours of my days) reading about this cute family and their extended family. I have read the old posts on Stephanie's blog, The NieNie Dialogues, and now check her sister's blog, C Jane Enjoy It, daily (and have read all her old posts as well). The accident itself was obviously a tragedy, but I have been so moved reading about how this family has come together to support one another and how many other bloggers are doing what they can to help as well. Although I may not be in a position to donate to their recovery, spreading the word so they receive extra prayers is something I can do!
Click the picture below for the website set up in their behalf:

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