Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I have to say that I have been kind of in a state of being sick of hearing how "crafty" I am, I almost feel like sometimes that should just be my name or what people think I am all about! (did I just say that!?) And I know most people are being really super nice BUT It can be very sad sometimes and almost lonesome thinking I may be the only one..(when I KNOW I am not!) Just the last couple of days of being overwhelmed with some NOT SO NICE ladies I thought of keeping my "creativity"under my belt for awhile and not letting it out there for all to see...praying to know how to handle this, that maybe I do intimidate others to think that they are not "crafty" or that I take it to an extreme that they feel they could never do.....boy did Heavenly Father tell me differently! This video is so true! Everyone has a creative side...whatever it may be...and you should be cultivating that creativity! Instead of being intimidated or jealous, BE INSPIRED! I truly am and get inspired every day from people everywhere around me....I can see people's creativity when maybe they don't! I think that if people knew my life, what I have been through, that I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth that they would think differently. I HAD to be extremely self reliant.
I again am not trying to throw a pity party, nor trying to justify who I am....but believe me when I say I am MORE than just "CRAFTY"!! (I am thinking out loudly today..!)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Embellish By Design BoY sTyLe!
Friday, March 27, 2009
March ViSiTiNg TeAcHiNg handout...!
So on to these cuties..! I save my cans like soup or vegetable or any container really till I have a stock so that I can use them to have fun with...and so these are some soup cans!
I included my two favorite quotes from this weeks message and a recipe...hence Gold Coins..heehee!
Mint PaTtIeS seemed SOOO appropriate and hey it's chocolate..!
Click on picture and you can keep this recipe for yourself....it is really yummy...can ya tell I love MINT!!?lol
FYI: for those of you who have asked me to make and sell these...sorry but my life is just too busy as it is...but you are welcome to copy this idea if you would like, but please do not use my pictures for your final result! Thanks!!
Check out www.handpickeddaisy.blogspot.com she DOES sell her kits and they are super cute! Please let her know you found out about her through me...thanks again ladies!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Embellish By Design....update!
kindof a bad pic....sorry..
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Havin' fun at Peter Piper Pizza!
Bella is starting to really enjoy the games now that she can do some of them on her own...it's cute to see her get all excited about this place!
Oh Yeah...can you tell I got my hair done? Darker this time with the highlights, trying for that natural color but very chunky!
R.J.'s BiGgEsT FAN!!
YW lesson handout on Self-Reliance...!
The lesson was on how we have struggles in our life and at different times in our life and they are there not because Heavenly Father doesn't love us, but rather because he does and he knows that we will learn and grow from these struggles and also help us to mature the way he would like us to. Our parents are there to guide us, to give us limits on the things "as teens" want to do, not because they hate us but because they know that they just are not mature enough. The girls understood, and I had Sabrina come in not only for support but because I know she needed this lesson. She often thinks she is 16 and can wear makeup, hang out at the mall and go do what she wants......sorry baby...you are just tooo young! The time will come for those things so just enjoy what you can do for the time being, and enjoy being a kid...because that time will NEVER come back!!!lol!
She said she understands why her dad and I have our boundaries....she is a sweetie!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Football Cake and Cupcakes...!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I LOVE this little girl....!
Bella is 19 months old and loves to just get her pictures taken so I have a ton of them..! especially right after a bath...hehee
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Carebear...!
Cambrie helped me to put the ingredients together before the party!
She drew all the pics herself...!