Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Cute General Conference Packet by email....
If anyone would be interested I have a 14-page packet for General Conference this coming up weekend that I got from a friend by email. It is all updated with the new prophet, new apostle, etc. It has all kinds of things to keep kids busy and focused during Conference, including fill in the blank, color the tie, Bingo, word search, match the picture and name of the apostles, coloring, etc.
The second attachment is a card game to help kids learn the names of the General Authorities, using symbols like an oak leaf for Elder Oaks, a red cross for Elder Nelson, etc.
Since I am not sure how to upload it as a post, leave a comment with your email, and I'd be happy to send it over....it is really awesome!
My first Award...yeah!
1. Over the Tipsy Top Design (overthetipsytopdesign.blogspot.com)
This site is super creative and I LOVE all the glitter and glam that goes on over there! These two gals are so amazing and look like alot of fun! check them out!
2. Thirty HandMade Days..(thirtyhandmadedays.blogspot.com) This gal puts all of these amazing tutorials into categories every single day..she is my inspiration TO inspiration!
3. Just a girl..(j-a-girl.blogspot.com) She is super cute with alot of fun creative crafts and ideas,, I also love how she decorates!
4. 3 Maams and their guy..(3maamsandtheirguy.blogspot.com) She is a super fun mom with also alot of great ideas and recipes for fun!
Go check out these gals for some great inspiration! (girls don't forget to add your button..heehee!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sabrina's Violin performance!
Afterwards Sabrina chose Olive Garden for Dinner (but I didn't take any pics)
and then on over to Krispy Kreme, our all time FAVORITE place!!
Sabrina loves their milk and swears that they have their own cows inside the place that they get their milk from...she calls it EXTRA FRESH!!
Cambrie looks like she could work there, no really doesn't she...heehee!
AAHHH watching the infamous donut creation......!
Overall it was as usual a total blast....I just LOVE hangin out with my family, they are my utmost favorite people in the whole wide world!!
More of My Glitter cups!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
President Thomas S. Monson
Food storage and being prepared isn't about "Doomsday", it's about the next life changing event; be it, sickness, loss of job or a decline in the economy. But, if you are prepared you can have peace of mind knowing that you and your family will be OK!
The White House Web site notes that bad guys may already be out to get us, and government-sponsored billboards and TV ads will soon urge us all to "Be Ready." Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge says Americans should keep a three-day supply of food, water and medical supplies on hand. "We can be afraid, or we can be ready," he said. By Greg Toppo, USA TODAYPosted 2/27/2003
So there is this blog: youcancan.blogspot.com that has updates available about anything that has to do with canning...or better word(s) Being Prepared! Mindy's husband did this amazing stacking water barrels....great idea!!
Also check out rugettingprepared.blogspot.com They have cheaper prices on water barrels, pressure cookers everything pretty much, maybe because they are located here in AZ. Anyhow they DO PARTIES!! really cool, I might do this, or for an enrichment would be awesome!
This site safelygatheredin.blogspot.com has recipes and PRINTABLES for your food storage! She has alot to offer and has great ideas!
Here is another cool site called: everydayfoodstorage.blogspot.com...She is also super amazing and has several tutorials, recipes and PICTURES of everything she does...WOW!!! She is all about changing the stigma of Food Storage and making it HIP...my kind of gal..woohoo!!
I will be adding more updates as I found them, I know there are many but this is such an important thing and I am really on a kick to get prepared for my family! Any insights or info would be greatly appreciated!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Trying to be SOMEWHAT organized.....
Next is our calendar of everyone's schedule and events...
This is our birthday list, it has every month and days of the month with a line to write down their names...simple
My menu plan for the week. I really try to keep this up but am not perfect at it especially with football and cheer season, sometimes we do the drive thru more than I want to admit.....ugg
I have (call me Way Crazy!) typed up my schedule during the day Monday thru Sunday with a few exceptions. Mainly it is for my cleaning, shopping, budget, scripture study, FHE and P.I.E. schedule. I also have added a "Me Time" to get that next craft done or to watch Dr. Phil. I have put this in my day for an hour at least, now you know how I get so much done..heehee. Really I promise I am not a schedule freak, things happen and I can allow myself to break away from "THE SCHEDULE" LOL! But I think it gives me a sense of relief knowing that if I am in the hospital or something happens to me, Ray and the kids will know what to do and when to do it the way mom does it...sniff sniff!
For now this is how I keep those school labels for the kids. They take turns on when they can earn points for their classrooms...
And here is my file system.. Bills..bills..those DANG bills!!(self explanatory!!)Receipts folder is mainly for returns and important things oh and "church" receipts! I do use those coupons....and the Kids Misc. is newsletters, email printoffs for scouts, act. days, football, cheer, school etc.... Babysitting info is a list I leave with my kids or someone else who may babysit for Bella (which I have only used once!) I fill this form out like where I will be, important numbers, addresses, food to eat, movies/activity play, snacks and bedtime/storytime things like that. I will go through these folders once a month usually when I am balancing my checkbook and budgeting...that sort of thing..
I would say do what works for you...this is just a "Patino" version!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fabric Flower Tutorial....(I almost got it perfect..dang!)
Template ( I hand drew mine on cardstock)
small piece of ribbon
sewing machine or needle and thread
cover button kit
fabric glue
1. Cut out the 4 of the smaller flower and 2 of the larger flower.
2. Cut into each flower where the dotted areas are on my template above...
3. Stack the 2 larger ones on top of eachother and then fold over the 4 smaller ones in half, overlapping them similar to the way I have done here...
and here.....
4. Sew a square making sure you have gotten all ends of flowers... 5. Following the directions on the back of the cover button kit
6. Cut out a circle to fit over mold...7. Firmly press button shell down on fabric into mold...8. Tuck fabric into button shell....9. Place back over tucked fabric; press down firmly10. with pusher to snap into place ...
Pull out button and VOILA! Cute Button!! Glue on to top of flower...(in the middle) oops forgot pic...
Glue on ribbon with fabric glue....
Add your bobby pin like this...(upside down)
And there you go, a really cute simple hair accesorry...I have made several that I am going to use on bags, shoes shirts and belts...totally cute and FUN!
Quick...gotta get to school!
blueberries or grapes
frenchtoast and powdered sugar
kabob sticks
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Glitter Nails and Toes! (Thanks Martha!!)
Then sprinkle the glitter on top and kind of flick the finger a little to get the excess glitter off...
Then let dry for a min. add another top coat of clear polish, let dry and then wash hands gently and voila! pretty glitter nails, whew that saved my 25 bucks at the nail salon..LOL!
Puff Painting with the kids!
We decided to do this Sat. morning just for fun. All my kids love to draw so anything that they can put on paper promotes creativity! All you need is these ingredients: flour, salt, water and food coloring.
Separate paste into 3-4 bowls and Just add food coloring .....
Let the kids have fun!
These are still not all the way dry, but it starts to puff up! (Sabrina took these pics!)