Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Trying to be SOMEWHAT organized.....

I recieved an email from a gal interested in some of the things I do to keep organized and though I am late (really late) at posting a response (sorry)I thought I'd share my "Home Command Center" notebook...(I really need some help in a better, cuter title don't ya think!) and some others. I have one for Tax Documents (up to 8 years), Important Documents (which would be Birth cert. for everyone, shot records, Social Security cards, Marriage Doc. and Church Docs..(blessings, baptisms, Duty of God, Patriartichal blessings ect...) and then one for Appliance Manuals which has manuals and warranties for everything we own pretty much. I do have copies of everything and put in a fire proof cabinet... So this is it for me, I know there are better and cuter ways but this is what works for me...and simple!

In my Home Command Center Notebook you'll find my ward lists (old and new) and emergency numbers and phone numbers, also a family yellow pages which keeps all the numbers of businesses we like or use frequently..

Next is our calendar of everyone's schedule and events...

This is our birthday list, it has every month and days of the month with a line to write down their names...simple

My menu plan for the week. I really try to keep this up but am not perfect at it especially with football and cheer season, sometimes we do the drive thru more than I want to admit.....ugg

I have (call me Way Crazy!) typed up my schedule during the day Monday thru Sunday with a few exceptions. Mainly it is for my cleaning, shopping, budget, scripture study, FHE and P.I.E. schedule. I also have added a "Me Time" to get that next craft done or to watch Dr. Phil. I have put this in my day for an hour at least, now you know how I get so much done..heehee. Really I promise I am not a schedule freak, things happen and I can allow myself to break away from "THE SCHEDULE" LOL! But I think it gives me a sense of relief knowing that if I am in the hospital or something happens to me, Ray and the kids will know what to do and when to do it the way mom does it...sniff sniff!

For now this is how I keep those school labels for the kids. They take turns on when they can earn points for their classrooms...

And here is my file system.. Bills..bills..those DANG bills!!(self explanatory!!)Receipts folder is mainly for returns and important things oh and "church" receipts! I do use those coupons....and the Kids Misc. is newsletters, email printoffs for scouts, act. days, football, cheer, school etc.... Babysitting info is a list I leave with my kids or someone else who may babysit for Bella (which I have only used once!) I fill this form out like where I will be, important numbers, addresses, food to eat, movies/activity play, snacks and bedtime/storytime things like that. I will go through these folders once a month usually when I am balancing my checkbook and budgeting...that sort of thing..

I would say do what works for you...this is just a "Patino" version!!


  1. I'm feeling pretty good about myself here. I actually do have a couple of these systems in place myself. However, you are definitely the queen bee when it comes to organization. Gosh sewing, crafts, organization--enough already! Do you have any faults?

  2. Wow, you are pretty incredible. Is there anything you're not good at?

  3. I have been a "peeper" for awhile on your blog. I love it! You are so talented! Where do you get the calendars you use in your folders? That is exactly what I am looking for to try to get my life some what organized? Thanks!!

  4. LOVE THIS!! Thanks for telling me where to find it. I am gonna start on my own Binder today!

  5. This is so great! I have four little ones and I have completely lost a schedule - thank you for giving me a reminder that life runs so much more smoothly when you have a plan! Could you share your cleaning schedule? My email is
    That's one thing I can's seem to get on top of!

