Thursday, March 24, 2011

WOW!! I'm So FaR BeHinD!!!!

I can't believe how fast the time goes.......My lil' man Gunnar turned 1 this past week and I have mixed emotions! :(:(:(:):):)
1. He gives kisses and hugs!
2. He says "Hi" {well more like "iy"}:)
3. He is officially on goat milk {healthier version of cow milk}
4. Plays with cars and balls {Pass the his favorite game!}
5. Still takes his lil' binkie and loves his blankie {which saves my sanity!}
6. Bella has a little playmate {instead of a baby she can't do real fun things with}
7. Can sit up, crawl and stand up all on his own {at different months accomplished}
8. Eats alot of different finger foods instead of mashed EvErYtHiNg!
9. Loves to be read too and play games with, tickle monster, spider fingers and peek a boo.
10. Loves bathtime and playing in 3 inch water!

SAD AND MORE sad...*sniff sniff*
1. He no longer nurses:( {stopped around 9 mos when he got his two front teeth 2 wks apart}
2. I miss his newborn baby cry and skin and hair and smell most of all...{thank goodness for baby lotion..ha!}
3. I can't carry him in my baby sling anymore...way too big and heavy! {29 pounds this boy is!}
4. No longer in his super cute fun brown and tan zebra carrier!:(
5. He doesn't like to be wrapped up like a lil' burrito...:(
6. He now makes crazy food and toy messes..{more for me to}
7. I promised my hubby no more bling and zebra when he turned the big it's sports stuff..
blah and boring..!ha!
8. StInKy DiApErS!!...yuck!
9. Right now he is going thru his 3rd separation anxiety phase..more than my others went thru!
10. Going to church is THE most difficult time right now, sitting down 2nd and 3rd hr is so hard for him although he is VERY cautious in nature he is all boy and wants to be curious (well as long as mom is there by him:).....and our church time is at 12:30...ugg naptime and lunchtime..! THE WORST...and all of us LDS moms know this...not fun!lol..

Above all.....Gunnar has been a true joy to me and to our family and he brings happiness and love more into our home! His sweet smiles and laughs keeps us all in that innocent happy child like spirit in us all and we have so much fun with him. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world and even though I will miss those little joys of him being a little baby..he will always be my baby no matter what and am thankful for the memories we have created with him this last year!!

Gunnar Dean Patino March 2011


  1. Your task is clear. Persuade a local team to swop their uniforms for zebra print. :-)

  2. Happy you are blogging again......I miss your creative juices. He is adorable and I can't believe already 1.......
