Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Been SUPER busy!!

It seems like the days slip past me and more and more I get behind on this blogging thing....but really I have no regrets! My family is what is most important to me and they keep me busy!! Here are some fun photos of my kiddos and what I/we have been up to..!!!

{in no random order folks..}

So tried the T-shirt dress thing and it turned out super cute!! I bought this at Walmart they have the cutest screen tees but it was too small so added the ruffles and tie and of course the cute head bow and a really cute outfit for Bells!!

Got these Converse shoes at Target and blinged them out...FUN!!

Cams and Bells showing Dawg Pride at Colts Football game..!!

My Sabrina......Love the hat and that she is in 7th grade and still I can have fun with her...well actually this was her idea......she takes after her mom all the way!!
Love my Sweet Bells....Sabrina made the cute flower and I added ruffles to her leggings..so cute!

I have soo much more but will get to posting when I can..!! Take care and thanks for visiting! I appreciate all the emails and your kind comments!!

1 comment:

  1. soooooooooo CUTE!! never heard of the t-shirt dress- so that is SO adorable... is it a juniors tee? so sooo cute! may hafta try that one missy! :) everything is just unbelievably CUTE!! :)
