Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hot Pink and Cheetah for Bella and Baby...

I made this cute cozie for Bells...not like she really needs another one, well actually messed up on an order and so poor Bells gets all the messed up ones, but she doesn't have been wanting to make a blanket for Baby our other dog for his cage that he LoVeS!! I think it's cute, but Cambrie keeps reminding me he is a boy not a girl..and so I told her that he was a "TrEndY" boy dog and that the blanket doesn't have ruffles....she said "oummm"! FUN!!


  1. Your dog is stylin. SHe sure is cute too.

  2. seriously, we were separated at birth... i just made a blanket like this a couple days before we left for our utah trip and it's just right here w/ kapri! ha that's awesome! my mums friend was teaching me how to do the ruffle... a little tricky i have to say!!! you are so talented lil miss!!

  3. that is adorable!! Now I wish I had a dog lol. You have an award at one of my blogs:
