Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I figured it out...!

Thanks Joelle...I added this cute black small ball trim ribbon I had and then added some tulle into a pretty flower.....it looks SOOO much better!! Now I am off to finish adding sass to my girl's easter dresses!

I love THIS!!


  1. I Love it!!!! This is the cutest gift I've ever seen...You ROCK!!

  2. I am so going to have to do this! This is a great gift idea also!!!

    Thank you for sharing your creativity with us!!!

  3. Sooo dang cute! thanks for sharing!

  4. ADORABLE! You've inspired me to #1 make a family mission statement with my hubby an #2 make a cute fram to frame it and hang it on our wall.

    This is so cute, I love the glittered edges and the ribbons and bow! Thanks for sharing!
