Friday, March 6, 2009


My little boy made Baseball at his Jr. High again....and he was thrilled...he had a slight thought of not making it...but he was soo excited to get that chance again. The team got new uniforms this year and they look good! I seriously can't get enough of this little man....he is turning out to be exactly what I had hoped for! R.J. has such integrity and respect, he adores me and I just love that! I love you son....GO TIGERS!!
Little bells playing in the dirt....look how long her eyelashes are..! Those are definetly from daddy!!


  1. baseball, the greatest sport! what beautiful kids u have! love the headbands girl!

  2. Congratulations to your son that is a great accomplishment.

  3. I wish that we lived closer to each other becaue I would convince you to be my best friend and teach me all of your tricks ha ha!! I love the cake and the cupcakes so cute!!

  4. I LOVE this picture of Bella! So cute!
