Thursday, February 12, 2009

Easy Teacher Valentines...!

On Wednesday for YW....we did these cuties....I have seen the infamous "cake pops" and thought there is no way we could bake those little things in an hour and at the my first thought was to do mini marshmallows and then to do the big ones on sticks..THEN saw them over at Grace her blog btw! They were soo easy and the girls had so much fun!
The kids decided they wanted to do these for thier teachers...since I had all the stuff for them I said...ABSOLUTELY!!
We made like a Ray is giving some to his workers at the shop and the kids have some extra to give to thier was a fun night!
LOL trying to get a professional shot....yeah right NOT happening!!heehee


  1. Nicole, Abby loved making these. You are amazing. Thank you!

  2. Awesome idea. What did you dip the marshmellows in?

    Do you rent out your creative brain??? Ü

  3. YOU ARE A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!! I need to follow you around for a couple of days to get inspiration! :) I love all your ideas girl!!!

  4. Your valentine ideas are great. I just started a visiting teaching blog and linked to your cute mailbox idea. Just wanted to let you know I'm looking forward to your fun ideas!

  5. Very cute!! I missed this for Vday but would love to do it for St.Patty's . I hope you dont mind me telling my friends about your wonderful ideas and blog!
