Monday, January 5, 2009

A day of Snow FUN!

We went up north on New year's week to play and have some fun in the snow....and WOW there was alot of it 3-4ft of snow! We kept getting stuck in the snow it was soo funny! We went up to the area we always go to and were surprised that there were so many people, cars lined up on both sides of the was so crowded! We still had fun and even saw some friends of ours up there!

Bella had sooo much fun in the snow! It was cute to see her so excited about this white icy stuff and to watch her explore in it!
What a cute little wet butt....! She didn't have a snow suit, so I had to bring alot of extra clothes for year I will definetly get one though....!

I LOVE this pic. of her....she is such a poser!

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