Monday, November 24, 2008

OK OK...I'm hooked!!!

Can you guess??? That's right that "Twilight" thing!! Was not and did not understand the craze for this vampire book series and then the movie....but my son went and saw it and has been reading the books and told me I HAD to see it that I would love it AND that I would think Edward was HOT!!

OK so I did go see it...with Ray, AND I LOVED IT!!! OMGosh and OH EDWARD IS A HOTTIE!! Some of it I didn't get at first but by the end of the movie I was HOOKED WANTING MORE!!

My favorite FAVORITE scene is when you think he might bite her at the end because she wants to be like him and with him, and he OH SO GENTLY kisses her neck..SO ROMANTIC and then says something I CAN'T remember..ugg but I was in love...!!

Ray even liked the movie!

R.J. is already reading the next book so he is keeping me updated since I have no time to read...geeshh!


  1. I am exactly the same way with the whole Twilight thing. I literally screamed when it was over. I thought I had just sat down! Next time I go on a vacation, and have time to read I am definatley going to take the book with me. #2 haha

  2. I don't know how you could only be starting on this whole thing, especially working with the YW. I am surprised they haven't gotten you on board earlier. Glad you saw the movie though, and glad you liked it. Just wait until books 2, 3 and 4... You have a long way to go!

  3. I read Twilight with my boys and I get to go with all the 7th graders that passed the quiz on the book to see the movie tomorrow. I loved the book and it is so well written. My boys were scare readers and now they are so into reading. These books are 500 pages long. One night I read to them for 2 hrs. Who'd of thunk it?
    I know some Christians don't like it but I must tell you I love it. Edward shows a lot of self-control and that's a good thing. So glad you enjoyed it.

  4. I'm with you - I even took a quiz and posted it on my blog to see who I was most like in the movie!! haha! It was GREAT! :)

  5. You'd better read the books... they are even better! EEEK! I LOVED the movie but the books... you'd better start reading girl!! :)

  6. Patty, Rhea, Pam and I loved it!!! It was such a good movie!! I am on Team Edward.

  7. You should def take the time to read the books. They are all awesome & so much better than the movie! :D

  8. Oh me too! I got hooked on book one a week or so after the movie came out. Read through it super fast, saw the movie and read the rest of the books in the next few weeks. So good!
