Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Cupcakes....YUM!

Last night Ray and I made these little spookies! We got the kids off to bed and he said, "Do you wanna make cupcakes, babe?" I said...."Oh yeah!" So this is what we came up with...
We were going to sit down and watch the Notebook movie, but our friends picked it up earlier so we sat and fed was sweet! It's nice to have some "alone" time when the kids are in bed....!


  1. I love your blog!!! I stumbled on it after doing a search for cute halloween decorations. SOOO cute! Would you mind emailing me and let me know where that cute pumpkin patch is that you went too? I've been looking for a fun one like that, but don't even know where to start. Thanks!

  2. Great cupcakes!!! I wouldn't expect anything less.

  3. YOU WON! You won the apron and the recipe cards from my giveaway. Email me so I can ask you some questions about what you want.
    mcstord at msn dot com
