Saturday, August 23, 2008

This 4th post is a record!

I saw this on my friend's blog and wanted to post them. I think this is a great idea and I wanted to help spread the world, plus this lady is super talented as you can see. These are photos that portray Christ interacting with modern day children in different real life situations. Prints will be available for purchase very soon. She will be donating proceeds to foundations envolving helping children. She is still in the works of getting things together ... looking for children's foundations and churches that would like to help participate with this project, by hosting exhibits, and helping to spread the word so that she can help more children, through the purchase of the prints. The exhibits will be nation wide, this holiday season. She is looking for help nation wide in this effort. Check her blog for updates on these events. She will have a site and blog up soon for this project. Until then just back on her blog. I Put these up though because I absolutely love these pictures of Christ in a modern day setting.....very peaceful. her blog is and these are called "Captured Miracles" Just love it!!


  1. These are awesome! Thanks for sharing these with us.

  2. I know you don't know me, but I ran across your blog through another one. The blog site you put for this ladies pictures says it does not exist, could you please send it to me, thank you!!!!

    P.S. I love your blog
