Friday, August 15, 2008

These are FUN part 2

Don't I seem like I have ALL the time in the not really, just forgot to post these too.(heehee)


  1. Love them! Where do you think is the best place is to get scrapbook paper. Your's are always so cute! How did you do the pens? These would be fun to post on my craft blog with a tutorial.

  2. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I love the cherry birthday party...too cute!

  3. Wow, these are adorable! You're so creative! I can't wait to check out your older entries and see more!

  4. OMG-- I love your creativity!!

    I popped on from Christian's (Who would have thought?) blog.

    So glad I did. :o}

  5. Nicole - hey! It's Holly Brimhall! I stumbled on your blog this morning and so glad that I did! Your family is as gorgeous as ever and I'm dying to do some crafts! Hope all is well with you guys!

  6. Nicole, you are SO CREATIVE!!! Seriously...amazing!

  7. cool ideas I may steel for the scrapbook portion of souper saturday. Check out my souper saturday blog I have vinyl pics up. I do all the vinyl! If you need any for your souper saturday let me know.
